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Nine Adventurous Cross-Stitch Projects for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Whether you are killing time, waiting for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug or needing to fill those moments between second breakfast and elevenses, I’ve gathered together nine incredible Tolkien-inspired cross-stitch patterns. Grab your supplies for these wonderful journeys in cross-stitch, and maybe some lembas to help keep you sated during your adventures.

Posted by Jules Sherred

Boy Meets Literary World: Classic Books on the Classic Sitcom

Boy Meets World is one of the most beloved sitcoms from the 1990’s. Many of us grew up learning life lessons from Mr. Feeny and the rules of friendship from Cory and Shawn’s bromance. However, Boy Meets World also has many bookish lessons to share.

Posted by Maria Vicente

Deck the Halls with Book-Inspired Holiday Decor

(Image: Shealynn’s Faerie Shoppe)

‘Tis the season for hanging, spangling, sparkly things in the house! But why buy when you can make, and why make out of anything ordinary when you can make out of books? Here are my favorites: easy to make at home, and perfect for whatever you want to celebrate!

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Ten of the Best Author Cameos in Movie Adaptations

Nothing creates that stomach-churning feeling of exaltation and terror in the hearts of book lovers more than the news that their favorite book will be made into a movie. I mean, sure, the excitement level is insane, but at the same time, there’s also that fear in the back of your mind that the director will stomp all over something you’ve spent so much time poring over and loving. Something that can set readers’ minds at ease, though, is the author having something to do with the movie version of their book, sort of like a stamp of approval, and one of the coolest ways authors do this is by having cameos in the movie adaptations of their books.

Personally, I’ve got my fingers crossed for John Green to make an appearance in the upcoming The Fault in Our Stars adaptation (Have you read it? No? Go grab a copy and a box of tissues—it’s okay, I’ll wait), but in the meantime, here are ten other authors that have had cameos in movie versions of their own books.

Posted by Allison Racicot

Thanksgivukkah, The Newest, Not The First, Mash-Up Holiday

It’s not every year you see a turkey-shaped menorah. In fact, this is the first time in 125 years that the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah has shared a date with the pilgrims, Native Americans, and turkeys that brought us Thanksgiving. And it won’t happen again for another 77,000 years. So bust out your creative latke and cranberry sauce recipes, make some challah stuffing, and reminisce about all those years you shared this holiday with a Christmas tree. 
Because Hanukkah mash-ups are not new, especially not to pop culture moments, which is why we bring you Six Awesome Hanukkah Mash Ups From Books, Movies, TV Shows and More.

Posted by Diana R. Wallach

5 Books We’d Love to See Get The Broadway Musical Treatment

Les Miserables on Broadway
From Les Miserables to Matilda, Broadway and has long had an obsession with turning our favorite books into two-hour. Not that we’re complaining- we may or may not have memorized the entire Very Potter Musical score- but we think they could go even further.
In hopes that some charitable soul with money to spend and a need for a script is reading, here are five books we’d love to see jump from the page.

Posted by Magali Roman