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Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions with the Power of the Force

New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep. Feel the Force flowing through you this year with these helpful Star Wars quotes to keep you going when you’re heading into an asteroid field of challenges or sinking into a Dagobahn swamp of self-doubt!

"Do… or do not, there is no try."
Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

Ever hear someone make a resolution they aren’t going to keep? You can hear it in their voice. They say they’ll try, but they’re really saying "I won’t do it, but I'll throw some effort at it and see what happens." This is how a 900-year-old Jedi master calls you out on your Bantha fodder. Yoda isn’t saying “Don’t try if you think you might fail.” He’s saying “Don’t stop at trying, keep doing it till it’s done.”

"Stay on target!"
Gold Five, A New Hope

Distractions are everywhere. But you? You’re not distracted. This year, you are in the trench run heading for that one goal. Does your morning routine help you reach that goal? What about the other tabs in your browser? Build in leisure and time to relax, but always be heading toward that thermal exhaust port.

"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!"
Luke Skywalker, A New Hope

This is what you sound like every time you whine. If that’s not enough motivation to quit whining and get on with it, remember what Uncle Owen says: You can waste time with your friends later. Distractions won’t help you seize the day, they’ll help you seize something easier than the work you're doing. You've got droids to clean up and galaxies to save!

"What's in there? Only what you take with you."
Luke Skywalker & Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

Ok, this one's deep. The hardest thing about change is facing yourself, with no one else to protect you. What will you take with you when you face your demons? Will you bring hope and confidence? Or anger, fear, and aggression? Make your mantras positive. Instead of "Gotta lose weight… because I’m gross" try "Gonna lose 5 pounds by March… because I'm getting healthier and stronger." Face your demons with strength and kindness, because they're a part of you.

"Never tell me the odds."
Han Solo, The Empire Strikes Back

Changing behavior is hard, and by making a resolution, you’ve decided to go for it anyway. But right when you’re feeling good about your decision, Time Magazine and Forbes are ready to remind you that only 8% of people who make new year’s resolutions stick to them. Do you give up? No, of course not. Because the odds are not important, and you’re not gonna leave room for that kind of worrying. So shut up, Goldenrod, you’ve got this.

"Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!"
"Then I'll see you in Hell!"

Tauntaun Handler & Han Solo, The Empire Strikes Back

Naysayers gonna naysay. And maybe, as in this case at Echo Base, the naysayer has a point. But does that point matter to you? Does it matter enough to give up on your goal? It’s not like Han didn’t know it was cold outside, and as it turned out, his Tauntaun did freeze. But he rescued his friend – and used that naysayer's caution to help him… if the Tauntaun hadn't died, where would he have stashed Luke? Egh…

"Well somebody has to save our skins. Into the garbage, fly-boy!"
Princess Leia, A New Hope

Stormtroopers on both exits, no droids, no lightsaber, no plan and no escape. Somebody does have to save our skins, and this year, it's going to be you. It’s always a good idea to plan ahead, but know that at some point you’re going to have to make a snap decision. A choice moving toward your goal is almost always the right decision, even if you do discover some amazing smells along the way.

"Don't just stand there!"
Princess Leia, A New Hope

You've been working so hard. All that work to get to Alderaan, and it gets blown away. You run from stormtroopers, get shot at, land in garbage, get attacked by a garbage monster, and suddenly the walls start closing in. You're within your rights to feel a little defeated at this point. But don't. Try to brace it with something. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't, but don't meet the end gaping at the wall in a puddle of garbage water. Do something about it. And please, remember to turn your communicator back on.

Keep your resolutions going all year by surrounding yourself with things that inspire you! We all need a Yoda now and then telling us what to do, or folks from the rebel alliance to show us how it’s done. Look for inspiration to stick to your guns, and be proud of what you accomplish (it’s ok to get a little cocky, kid).

And remember,

The Force will be with you. Always.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

New Year’s Reading Resolutions

(image via flickr)

It's a new year, which means it's time to make resolutions that you plan to implement to better your life. Smoke less. Exercise more. Finally write the great American novel, while exercising, and resisting the urge to light up a cigarette…you get the point.

As bibliophiles, however, we make New Year's Resolutions that are largely—if not entirely—reading-related ones. And there's nothing wrong with that! Check out our ideas for some reading resolutions for 2014 below, and make sure to add your own in the comments!

Posted by Cassie Rose

Hank Palace Fanart: Joseph Laney Illustrates The Last Policeman

[Ed. Note: A few weeks ago, we spotted Joseph Laney tweeting with Ben H. Winters about his Last Policeman fanart. We dropped him a line, and he's sent over a guest post. Enjoy!]

I discovered The Last Policeman in the best possible way… I was perusing a bookshelf in a little town while on a summer trip to Oregon. Somehow being transported to a wintery setting in doomed New Hampshire was all the more visceral because I was enjoying 90-degree days.

I was really drawn to the apocalyptical aspects of the story. Trying to imagine the impact on society when faced with imminent destruction is thrilling. A book that takes you on a journey through that gloomy landscape conjures an assortment of images.

Posted by Joseph Laney

Coming Attractions: Six YA Books that Would Make Great Movies

(image via flickr)

It’s official: Hollywood has turned to Young Adult books for movie magic inspiration. The large fanbase for these books provides an opportunity to bring new stars in the limelight, make big bucks, and show off new special effects. After the explosion and mania of Harry Potter and Twilight took hold, followed by The Hunger Games, Beautiful Creatures, Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Divergent, The Maze Runner, The Book Thief, and The Fault in Our Stars.

As a fan of several of these books, I’m equally thrilled and anxious to see the result when I walk into the theater. More often than not, the fans of the books enjoy the film adaptation, but movie reviewers don’t—always—and poor reviews can stop or stall future productions (Looking at you, Mortal Instruments.)

Posted by Laura Crockett

Not Your Grandma’s Holiday Movies: Six Alternate Picks

No matter your faith, creed, or religion, there’s one altar we all worship at come December: the television. It’s the time of year when people around the world hunker down with a nice cup of eggnog or a spiced cider and watch holiday movies as a family. It’s almost impossible to avoid the classics: White Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Carol, The Star Wars Holiday Special…I could go on, but you’re already yawning.

Don’t get me wrong, all of these films are fine if you want traditional fare, but tradition is boring. Fortunately, there are some great movies that take place around wintertime holidays that are completely free of jolly fat men in red suits, snow covered fields, heart warming family reunions and important lessons about the spirit of giving. Here are TK movies for your family viewing that are—technically!—holidayesque.

Die Hard: It would be impossible to ignore this great action movie. John McClane is by far, one of Bruce Willis’s most memorable characters. Poor John flies to L.A from New York to be with his family at Christmas only to find himself fighting a group of international terrorists in a high rise building. Though this film never forgets it takes place on Christmas, it sure isn’t about holiday cheer.

Posted by David Winnick

How to Throw A Pride and Prejudice Birthday Party

It is a truth universally acknowledged that some of the best parties are birthday parties. Since Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is celebrating 200 years of publication, now seems like a great time to throw a literary birthday party—for the book or for yourself!

Posted by Ashley Cambers