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A Jane Austen Nerd Recommends Movies

In a Jane Austen mood, but would rather relax on the couch with some popcorn? I know exactly how you feel. Here are some recommendations from a fellow Janeite on movies that’ll scratch that Austen itch.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

How to Be Awesome at Administering a Perfect Force Choke

The Force choke. It’s a classic move from everyone’s favorite Sith lord, the infamous Darth Vader. But how can you, and everyday human use this move? The trick is selling it like you really mean it. Here’s how.
Choose Who: Find the person you want to Force choke, and wait for the opportune moment. Vader’s first choke in A New Hope is startling because it is sudden and dramatically escalates the situation. Before the choke, it seemed that the other guy (Admiral Motti, he’s got a name) was in control. But he clearly didn’t have the power, Vader did.

Posted by Margaret Dunham


Covers from Jane Austen to Cover

Last week on Northanger Abbey, friends became less trustworthy, crushes were deepened, and oafish behaviour was endured. What fresh hijinks will our heroine encounter in the bustling metropolis of Bath? We shall soon see!

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

A Roundup of Gifts for Your Favorite Janeite

We all have one.

That reader whose tastes can never be truly satisfied because they’re holding a candle for Jane Austen. They’re mourning the unfinished Sanditon, they’re saving their pennies to visit Winchester. They celebrate Jane’s birthday every year on Tumblr and are the first to tell you about rumored adaptations of Austen’s work.

Don’t you think they deserve a present that mirrors their devotion? In addition to Jane Austen Cover to Cover? Here are a few solid recs.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Getting Ready For NaNoWriMo: Some Desktop Wallpaper To Keep You Going

Autumn is my favorite season. The crisp air, the sweaters, the butterbeer, the colorful leaves, and… NaNoWriMo.

For those of you who haven't heard of it… November is National Novel Writing Month.

What started as a personal quest of the creator Chris Baty, and has now turned into a worldwide phenomenon. Each year tens of thousands of participants sit down at their keyboards, their notebooks, and their typewriters with one thing in common. They set out to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

The challenge is to get the words down, despite your inner editor telling you they're not perfect yet, to get words on the page and move on. Once you have a draft you can edit it, but if you keep rewriting the first paragraph you'll never reach the end.

I first discovered NaNoWriMo (NaNo for short) in high school. While the other girls attended football games I sat at my desktop computer tapping away at the keys until I reached 50k. The best part of NaNo, for me at least, is the community. Having that sense of togetherness with other writers scattered across the world is inspiring. Connecting with those other writers on the NaNo forums is both my greatest strength and greatest source of procrastination during November. NaNo novelists come from different walks of life, but have one thing in common… the love of storytelling and the commitment to write.

If you've ever dreamed of writing your own novel join us!

Posted by Sarah Shotts

In Training For a Heroine: The Great Northanger Abbey Re-read, Part II

Welcome back to part two of our Northanger Abbey recap. Last week we were introduced to Catherine, our daring heroine, and were given a taste of big city living in Bath. Will the smitten Mr. Tilney make a reappearance? Will there be a challenger for Catherine’s affections? All this and more, right now!

Posted by Alyssa Favreau