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Read in the Bathtub Day: Four Great Books You Should Read

Whether you use bubbles, bath bombs, candles or just stew á la you, here are four books set in, on and by the ocean that are perfect for bathtub reading.

*bubbles not included

Posted by Jamie Canaves

How-To Tuesday: Cupid’s Printable Bookmark

This Valentine’s Day while you’re planning a romantic dinner, or a fun evening with friends, or a good ice-cream-and-Netflix marathon don’t forget to send a little love in the direction of your books. They are after all the best travel agent, and probably taught you a great deal of things including a few about love, friendship and family.

So treat yourself to a bookmark and make one with your favorite quote for a friend, loved one, librarian, teacher or any of the bibliophiles in your life, because any bookish lover will tell you a bookmark is a perfect Valentine’s Day card.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Top 10 Tuesday: 10 YA Books I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read Yet

Today Quirk Books is linking up with The Broke and the Bookish for Top 10 Tuesday! This week we’re talking about books we haven’t read. I personally read across many categories and genres, so of course I can’t read everything that catches my eye (although I would really, really like to). Especially when it comes to YA novels—the hype around new YA releases is infectious. Reading book blogs about this great novel, and that great novel, I know there are a few staples that I simply need to read… and yet I haven’t. Here are ten books that I’m super guilty of still having on my to-read shelf:

Posted by Maria Vicente

Bookish Events in New York City: February 2nd – 6th

It’s going to be another icy week in New York City, but there are plenty of bookish events going on to warm your spirits. The Moth and Women of Letters – two great story telling programs – are on again this week. Learn about science at WORD, celebrate a debut novelist at McNally Jackson, or board the Staten Island ferry to hear from a punk rock legend. The weather looks to be a bit better this week, but double check events before you head out just in case.

Posted by Jennifer Morell

Six Books for Women Who Love Football. Yes, We Exist.

I just won my Fantasy Football League. First time ever, though I’ve played for five years. (Thank you, Andrew Luck and DeMarco Murray!) I watch football every Sunday; I go to at least one Philadelphia Eagles game per year; I think the NFL RedZone Channel is amazing; and when I have a babysitter, I head to a bar for Monday Night Football. Yes, I’m a woman. And it turns out I’m not alone.

According to recent articles in The Washington Post and Bloomberg Businessweek, women make up 45 percent of the NFL’s more than 150 million American fans.

Between 2009 and 2013, female NFL viewership grew 26 percent. And in just 2013, fantasy football leagues included 6.4 million women, a 10 percent jump from 2012.

Yet, it is surprisingly hard to find football books geared toward women. Seriously. When I started writing this blog, I immediately thought of two books: Catching Jordan and Dairy Queen. But I write YA, so I figured that explained why teen books were front and center in my mind. There must be tons of adult novels featuring female characters who love football, right? Wrong.

So if you’re a chick and you love football, please take a glance at the list below. I hope I save you some time digging through the bookshelves. And if you’re a football-loving writer looking for the concept of a new book—well, I think I’ve found an untapped niche.

Posted by Diana R. Wallach

Bookish Events in New York City: January 26th – 30th

There are a lot of amazing literary events scheduled this week, and hopefully the harrowing blizzard being forecasted will not interfere. There are celebrations for debut novelists, discussions of craft and process, and wise words from some literary “doctors” at stake. If the weather gets you down and traps you inside, there’s always the amazing bookish podcast, The Catapult, to get you through the storm.

Posted by Jennifer Morell