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See You At C2E2: Who We Are Bringing, What You Can Expect

At the end of the month, we're packing up some books and posters, and flying out to Chicago for C2E2

This is our first visit to C2E2 in three years, and we're psyched to be coming back. We've got a lot of fun things planned for our triumphant return, from giveaways to author panels. 

Speaking of those authors, you'll be able to catch Ben H. Winters, the Edgar award nominated author of The Last Policeman (on sale all month, btw!), on the Mystery Genre Panel on Saturday, April 27th (2:45pm – 3:45pm, Room W476). He'll also be signing advance review copies of the second book in The Last Policeman trilogy, Countdown City. We'll be selling copies of the first book in the series and giving away those copies of Countdown City. 

E.B. Hudspeth, author of The Resurrectionist, will be featured on a Sci-Fi / Fantasy panel on Saturday, April 27th (12:45pm – 1:45pm, Room W475B), joined by Darth Vader and Son author Jeffery Brown. He'll also be signing copies of The Resurrectionist at our booth. Note, that the Resurrectionist isn't on sale until May 21st, so buying the book early at C2E2 is your chance to get a signed first edition before anyone else! 

As for giveaways, we'll be showcasing William Shakespeare's Star Wars by Ian Doescher and giving out gorgeous posters of the cover. You can also snag a super cute Planet Quirk totebag at our booth, which feature quotes from Geek Wisdom by Stephen H. Segal

Looking forward to seeing you all there! Check out the totebag after the jump!

Posted by Eric Smith

Women’s History Month: Words of Wisdom from Eudora Welty

Posted by Eric Smith

Women’s History Month: Advice from Judy Garland

Posted by Eric Smith

Women’s History Month: Words of Wisdom from Margaret Atwood

Posted by Eric Smith

Women’s History Month: Amelia Earhart

Posted by Eric Smith

Happy Valentine’s Day From Quirk Books!

Happy Valentine's Day, Quirk fans!

To show you just how much we care, we whipped up these adorable literary Valentines, just for you. There's Anna Karenina up top. Read on to download and save Valentines for The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick, Oliver Twist, The Raven, and Robinson Crusoe

We've also got them on our Pinterest page


Posted by Eric Smith