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Shop Quirk Books Merchandise for Mother’s Day
Mother's Day is fast upon us like a hungry lion upon an unsuspecting gazelle. But don't panic! We've curated the best kid-tested, mother-approved products in the Quirk Books Zazzle store. There's a little something for every mom, but mostly your mom.
Posted by Brett Cohen
Celebrate Reading on #GivingTuesday
Posted by Brett Cohen
Celebrate Hello Kitty Reading Day on October 25th!
Posted by Brett Cohen
Dad Wisdom: The Paternal Teachings of Pop Culture

Posted by Brett Cohen
What if Classic Books had Suggested Hashtags?
It’s pretty common for today’s media to have suggested hashtags so we can join the community of fans talking about a (theoretically) shared experience. You see them in movie trailers. They pop-up on your screen multiple times during your favorite TV show. And even books will often include a suggested hashtag on the back cover.
Recently, I’ve seen a ton of posts that posit what it might look like if classic TV show XYZ had suggested hashtags. My favorite one is for Friends. So I started wondering what it would look like if our favorite classic works of literature had similarly suggested Twitter hashtags…
Posted by Brett Cohen
How to Con Your Kid
I will start by saying that I love my kids. But, ahhh…the joys of parenthood. Their first smile. Their first word. Their first step. Their first tantrum. Their first defiant 'no'.
No matter how great of a parent we think we are, we will all eventually find ourselves in the cage match battle of wills. You know? The one that goes like this…
Posted by Brett Cohen