A Walk with Hillary
The DNC is here, and with it comes a whole slew of political figures and celebrities and incredible speeches. The woman of the hour? Hillary Rodham Clinton. As luck would have it, Quirk was fortunate enough to get an exclusive with the presidential nominee—in paper doll form. Here’s a recap of Paper Doll Hillary adventuring around Philly.
First stop? Liberty Bell. Of course. Paper Doll Hillary knows where her priorities lie when touring historical Philadelphia. She practically dragged us there and had us take photos while she excitedly posed in front of the iconic symbol of American independence.
Next, Paper Doll Hillary wanted to scope out Independence Hall and the surrounding area to get ready for her big speech this Friday at the convention. And there, at the back of the tour group, she ran into Paper Doll Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Say WHAT? Coincidence or fate?
If you followed along on Snapchat last week, you know that Paper Doll Hillary let RBG decide where they’d head next. After a minute of contemplation, RBG offered, “Hmm…Betsy Ross House?” And so it was decided. We captured this photo of the giddy pair en route.
Here Hillary stands straight and proud in front of the Betsy Ross House. Well, she always stands straight and proud. Paper Doll Hillary doesn’t have a ton of flexibility. It’s almost like she’s drawn into place. The excellent posture probably does great things for her back.
For the final stop on the historical Philadelphia tour, Paper Doll Hillary chose to see Elfreth’s Alley, the nation’s oldest residential street, which dates back to 1702. She spent a good deal of time there, walking up and down the street, soaking in the brownstone fronts and cobblestone streets. She absorbed the serene, picaresque view until she was downright soggy.
At the end of our tour, Hillary dropped by the Arden Theatre to catch a play. When we tried to follow her into the building, she told us, “Shh! I’m tryna watch this show!” with a sick beat, all George Eacker style. Guess we were acting a little too much like the paparazzi. Also, who knew girl had rhythm? Maybe Paper Doll Hillary should have been in Hamilton.
We camped out until the end of the play. Then we followed Hillary to–hold up, Hillary takes PATCO?
While Hillary is in Philadelphia doing awesome cool presidential nominee things, set up your own Hillary Rodham Clinton Playset at home. Take photos and put them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with the hashtag #ImWithHerPlayset for your chance to win a book prize pack.
You can find the HRC Playset at different establishments around Philadelphia. Check the map for locations.
Let’s rock this doll house.

Christina Schillaci
Christina is the voice behind Quirk’s social media channels and editor-in-chief of the blog. She graduated from Rowan University with her M.A. in Writing and joined Quirk in 2016. She loves weekend cooking projects, Cape May in the winter, and her dog, Rocket. Say hi on Twitter @quirkbooks or @saychristina!