A To Do List At The End of the World

Posted by Abby Sher

Six months until the world blows up. Okay.

1. pole dancing classes.

2. break my four years of sobriety.

3. get my family to Israel.

In that order.

I have to assume my kids don’t know about this world blowing up thing. They’re three and one and love couch forts and tickle parties. This is how I want us to live our next six months, please.

I also have to assume nobody else knows about the world blowing up because if they do:

1a. pole dancing classes are going to fill up quickly


2b. Israel may blow up first.

I also really need to talk to that woman by the church on our corner and ask her why she sleeps there with her shoes next to her and also apologize for avoiding her a lot of the time. I have to find my ex-best friend Ella and say, really, I hope you know I love you.

4. iced coffee.

5. sushi, nachos, karaoke. repeat.

6. a new wig for every day.

7. swim in that velvety lake by my uncle’s cabin.

8. spend a day with a piano.

9. ask my therapist if i can see her two times a week.

10. yoga, prayer, meditation – every day.

11. weep, dance, laugh. repeat.

And most importantly, when that rumble comes, and it will, turn on the stereo, grab my husband, my kids, the neighbors, the trees and shout, “let’s do this!!!”

Abby Sher is a writer, performer, and yogi living in Brooklyn.