Photo Highlights from Emerald City Comic-Con 2016

Posted by Julie Leung

We came, we comic-conned, we con-quered! Here are some photos from our whirlwind weekend in Seattled where the books sold like hotcakes and a bevy of characters came to visit us at Booth 215!

The Bennet Sisters and their wushu master come to call on Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and the movie tie-in edition.


Queen Amidala approves of her cover in William Shakespeare's The Phantom of Menace. 


Authors Sam Maggs and Hope Nicholson autograph their books for fans. 


Author Jon Morris of The League of Regrettable Superheroes dropped by to sneak original sketches into his books!


Author Ian Doescher poses with a William Shakespeare's Star Wars (and a tiny hands) fan. 


Author dinner with Paul Krueger and Sam Maggs at a tavern called Canterbury Ales! 


Check out the rest of the photos on our Facebook!


Julie Leung

Julie Leung is the social media and marketing manager at Quirk Books—tweeting up storms and surfing the blog waves. She is also the author of a forthcoming trilogy, Mice of the Round Table (Fall '16), and Mother of You can follow her at @jleungbooks or simply at @QuirkBooks, where she drops pithy word nuggets on the daily.