Holiday Beverages for Bookworms

Posted by Maria Vicente

The holidays are finally upon us! This hopefully means you have some free time to relax in your favorite reading chair and read a book by candlelight. To make your holiday reading even more special, pour yourself a glass of the perfect beverage to go with whatever genre your heart has chosen.

For reading picture books to the little ones: PEPPERMINT HOT CHOCOLATE.
This drink is family friendly. There’s no alcohol to scare away the children and it’s indulgent enough to satisfy your tastebuds. Just don’t drink it right before bed or you’ll be battling a sugar rush.


(image via flickr)

For solving a mystery: EGGNOG.
Eggnog is a classic holiday drink for no good reason. Maybe once you solve the mystery of the book you can solve the mystery of Eggnog? Why do so many people love it? Why is it reserved for the month of December?


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For when you’re in the mood for romance: CARAMEL LATTE.
This mix of espresso, milk, and sweet caramel is the perfect guilty pleasure (and so is the paperback romance novel waiting to be read in one sitting).

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For a science fiction adventure: APPLE CIDER.
The scent of brewed apples is guaranteed to enhance the science fiction plot. Apple Cider isn’t heavy enough to make you sleepy, so it will keep you warm and still allow you to keep your facts straight.

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For when your book is filled with magic: MULLED WINE.
Mulled wine gives you the familiarity of red wine with the addition of unknown spices (and maybe even a raisin or two). This holiday drink makes the familiar strange, just like a 600 page fantasy novel.

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For when you need some laughter to brighten your day: IRISH COFFEE.
Whether the humor in your book requires intelligence or open-mindedness, Irish Coffee has you covered. The caffeine will help you appreciate satire; the alcohol will make you laugh at anything.

For the most literary of pursuits (aka literary fiction): ROSY CHEEK.
Rosy Cheek is a decadent and sophisticated hot chocolate made just for the winter season. It will be your favorite companion to the beautiful prose written in your soon-to-be favorite book.

Maria Vicente is an associate literary agent at P.S. Literary Agency. She likes books, coffee, design, & magic. You can find her on Twitter (@MsMariaVicente) or her blog,