Last Meals of Famous Literary Characters
Source: Free-Photos from Pixabay.
Let’s face it, even the best of us have a dark side. The same goes for some of our most beloved literary heroes (some a little more than others). Whether their antics finally caught up with them, or there was simply nowhere left to run, an alternate universe exists in which these characters were apprehended, locked up, and sentenced for their crimes within literature. At least we can take comfort in knowing they got to request their own last meals before signing off.
[source: Warner Bros]
Last Meal of Hermione Granger, Harry Potter Series
Crime: Identity Theft (Technique Unknown)
Last Meal:
- Fluxweed
- Two bundles of knotgrass
- Handful of lacewing flies
- Four leeches
- Horn of bicorn
- Boomslang skin
- Piece of guard’s hair
[source: United Artists]
Last Meal of Randle Patrick McMurphy, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Crime: Public Disturbance, Inciting Multiple Riots
Last Meal:
- One can of Coke
- Three hard boiled eggs
- Six and a half slices of bacon
- Oatmeal with out-of-season fruit
- Whole roasted chicken
- Large birthday cake
- One glass of Irish whiskey
- Stick of gum
[source: AMC]
Last Meal of Glenn Rhee, The Walking Dead
Crime: Stalking, Kidnapping
Last Meal:
- Two slices of pepperoni pizza
[source: 20th Century Fox]
Last Meal of Mr. Fox, Fantastic Mr. Fox
Crime: Murder, Theft
Last Meal:
- Bucket of KFC chicken
- Duck liver pâté
- One glass of hard cider
[source: 20th Century Fox]
Last Meal of Mark Watney, The Martian
Crime: Conspiracy, Sabotage of NASA Ares 3 Property
Last Meal:
- Literally anything but potatoes
[source: Dreamworks Pictures]
Last Meal of Jean Baptiste Grenouille, Perfume
Crime: Murder
Last Meal:
- Red strawberries
- Red apple
- Red raspberries
- Red pomegranate
- Red cherries
- Yellow plums
[source: Lionsgate Television]
Last Meal of Shadow Moon, American Gods
Crime: Fraud, Confidence Schemes
Last Meal:
- One cheeseburger
- Basket of french fries
- One American beer
[source: CBS]
Last Meal of Dexter Morgan, Dexter Book Series
Crime: Littering, Pollution of Waterways
Last Meal:
- Black coffee
- Two eggs
- Ham
- Blood oranges
- One donut with sprinkles

J. B. Kish
J. B. Kish grew up in the American Southwest and spent most of his childhood concocting strange stories with spooky monsters. Now, he lives in the Pacific Northwest and has begun publishing those childhood nightmares for others. He is the author of two novels, including the paranormal thriller A Wall for Teeth and Stingers, which takes place in both Arizona and Oregon. He has the same birthday as Captain Kathryn Janeway, which is a thing he takes very seriously. Probably too seriously.