Fast and Furious 6: The Fast and the Fuwious

Posted by Rick Chillot

This weekend, the long-awaited Fast and Furious 6 finally hits the screen. Fans of the franchise can expect plenty of fast-paced action, car chases, explosions, and perhaps a resolution of the sexual tension between Dominic Toretto and Luke Hobbs.

But did you know that this sequel is based on a popular children's book?

To get you pumped for an awesome, pulse-pounding 130 minutes of pure excitement, here are some samples from The Fast and Furious 6 Children's Story and Adventure Book. Because all roads lead to this! (They really don't).

Fast and Furious 6 Vin Diesel

Fast and Furious 6: Run, Vin Diesel

Fast and Furious 6: Dwane Johnson

Fast and Furious 6: Vin Diesel is furious


Fast and Furious 6: Fast and Furious animal quiz


Fast and Furious 6: Fast and Furious animal quiz part 2

Fast and Furious 6: Fast and Furious Maze Challenge

Fast and Furious 6: Fast and Furious Word Puzzles

Rick Chillot

Rick Chillot

RICK CHILLOT is a former baby and current writer and editor at Quirk Books. He has contributed to magazines such as Psychology Today, Parenting, Mental Floss, and Prevention. In his twenty-plus years in publishing he’s interviewed about a jillion scientists and doctors and therefore had no need to consult any of them for this book.