Field Guide to Knitting

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About the Book
Julia Roberts does it. Madonna, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Hilary Swank all do it. We’re talking about knitting, a fiber art as old as time, and people across America are rediscovering the joy of stitching.
But how do you tell your knits from your purls? Your k2togs from your ssks? Your daisy stitches from your double basket patterns? All these answers and more can be found in Field Guide to Knitting, a comprehensive reference with more than 200 stitch patterns and variations. You will learn the history of each stitch, the best stitch gauges for getting pattern definition, great ways to use the pattern (scarves, sweaters, hats), and more. Chockful of useful instructions and more than 200 photographs, the compact Field Guide to Knitting belongs in the yarn bags of knitters everywhere!
JACKIE PAWLOWSKI is a Manhattan-based writer and knitwear designer. She writes about knitting at